
The Support After Suicide Partnership brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve a vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support.

This website have been developed with the help of both individuals with experience of suicide and professional bereavement organisations so you can explore practical information and find emotional support if you have been impacted by suicide.

If you are a support organisation looking for information

Read about research in 2020

From Grief to Hope: the collective voices of those bereaved or affected by suicide in the UK is a report. The research behind it invovled 7000 participants impacted by suicide, led by University of Manchester. express a poignant, personal and full picture of the impact of suicide on the lives of individuals, families, colleagues and professionals.

Are you supporting someone else?

When supporting someone bereaved by suicide, often people fear that they will cause more upset by asking the person about their loss. This is not the case and people bereaved by suicide need the support of those around them now more than ever. We want to help you to feel more confident in supporting someone bereaved by suicide by providing you with information and support.

Connect with others through our Podcasts

At SASP, we have started a new venture into podcasting, with candid, honest conversations about topics that arise after a bereavement by suicide. We hope they will provide information, support, companionship, and a remote friend to those who have been impacted by suicide. To access our podcasts, please go to our stories page.

Learn more about SASP


All the organisations within our partnership work towards our vision that ‘everyone bereaved or affected by suicide should be offered and receive timely and appropriate support ‘. Many of our network are leaders in the field. We believe that creating a collaborative network of organisations across the UK will help us to increase and improve the support available for individuals bereaved or affected by suicide. We do this through our partnerships, development of resources, and work with national change-makers. To learn more about our work, our aims and our values, please read our page about SASP.
